The objective of the Cerrado Protocol's governance is to guarantee representativeness, relevance and transparency in its construction and implementation, as well as the promotion of the tool among local and international actors, and to ensure that the parties have a legitimate reference point due to its collective construction character.


The Cerrado Protocol is coordinated by the following organisations: Proforest, Imaflora, NWF.

    • Draw up the protocol and technical notes;

    • Define transparency formats for the implementation of the Cerrado Protocol;

    • Organise technical and governance meetings

    • Engage with stakeholders and address suggestions, criticisms and complaints;

    • Preparing internal and public communication pieces.


The Deliberative Council is made up of:

  • Civil Society: Proforest, NWF, Imaflora and WWF Brasil

  • Meatpackers: Minerva Foods, Marfrig and JBS

  • Purchasing companies: Arcos Dorados, GPA and Carrefour

  • • - Participate in technical meetings contributing with the practical experience provided by the commitments, policies, and monitoring and auditing processes to which they are involved at some level;

    • Approve documents or communications proposed by the Coordination


The group of Observers of the Deliberative Council is made up of:

  • Federal Public Prosecutor's Office: MPF-MT and MPF-TO

    Producers: Associação Sul-Mato-Grossense de Produtores de Novilho Precoce

    Service providers: Niceplanet, Agrotools, Brain Ag - Serasa Experian

    Meatpackers: Abiec, Frigol, Masterboi

    Civil Society: Amigos da Terra

  • • Accompany the meetings and discussions of the Board of Directors, advise the directors on legal aspects and support decision-making through technical contributions and the sharing of relevant data and information.